Module | Source File | Description |
pf_mod_amisdc | pf_amisdc.f90 | Old style Asynchronous MISDC sweeper |
pf_mod_amisdcQ | pf_amisdcQ.f90 | Asynchronous multi-implicit sweeper |
pf_mod_comm | pf_comm.f90 | Module of communication wrappers |
pf_mod_comm_mpi | pf_mpi.f90 | Module to implement communication routines in MPI. |
pf_mod_dtype | pf_dtype.f90 | Module to define the main parameters, data types, and interfaces in pfasst |
pf_mod_hooks | pf_hooks.f90 | Module for the calling of user defined routines from various places in the pfasst algorithm |
pf_mod_imex | pf_imex.f90 | |
pf_mod_imexQ | pf_imexQ.f90 | IMEX Sweeper Module Module of the the derived sweeper class for doing IMEX sweeps for an equation of the form The piece is treated explicitly and implicitl Afer this sweeper is initialized (usually in main), the logical flags can be changed if desired |
pf_mod_imexQ_oc | pf_imexQ_oc.f90 | Module to do imex SDC sweeps in the optimal control setting |
pf_mod_imk | pf_imk.f90 | This module implements fully implicit Munthe-Kaas Runge Kutta methods using explicit SDC sweeping |
pf_mod_interpolate | pf_interpolate.f90 | Module to do interpolation between pfasst levels |
pf_mod_magnus_picard | pf_magnus_picard.f90 | This module implements fully implicit Magnus method using explicit Picard sweeping |
pf_mod_misdc | pf_misdc.f90 | |
pf_mod_misdcQ | pf_misdcQ.f90 | Module of the the derived sweeper class for doing MISDC sweeps for an equation of the form The piece is treated explicitly and and implicitly Afer this sweeper is initialized (usually in main), the locgical flags can be changed if desired |
pf_mod_misdcQ_oc | pf_misdcQ_oc.f90 | Module of the the derived sweeper class for doing MISDC sweeps for an equation of the form The piece is treated explicitly and and implicitly Afer this sweeper is initialized (usually in main), the locgical flags can be changed if desired |
pf_mod_mpi | pf_mpi.f90 | |
pf_mod_ndarray | pf_ndarray.f90 | N-dimensional array encapsulation. |
pf_mod_ndarray_oc | pf_ndarray-oc.f90 | When a new solution is created by a PFASST level, this encapsulation uses the levels 'shape' attribute to create a new array with that shape. Thus, the 'shape' attributes of the PFASST levels should be set appropriately. For example, before calling pf_pfasst_run we can set the shape of the coarsest level by doing: |
pf_mod_ndsysarray | pf_ndsysarray.f90 | System of N-dimensional arrays encapsulation. |
pf_mod_parallel | pf_parallel.f90 | Module of routines to run PFASST |
pf_mod_parallel_oc | pf_parallel_oc.f90 | Module of parallel PFASST routines for optimal control problems. |
pf_mod_pfasst | pf_pfasst.f90 | Module containing the routines to create, setup, and destroy the main data structure in PFASST |
pf_mod_quadrature | pf_quadrature.f90 | Module to create quadrature matrices and accompanying routines |
pf_mod_restrict | pf_restrict.f90 | Module to restrict solutions between pfasst levels and create the FAS tau correction |
pf_mod_results | pf_results.f90 | Module for the storing results for eventual output |
pf_mod_rkstepper | pf_rkstepper.f90 | Module to do Runge-Kutta stepping |
pf_mod_timer | pf_timer.f90 | Module for setting timers |
pf_mod_utils | pf_utils.f90 | Module with useful subroutines that don't fit in other modules |
pf_mod_verlet | pf_verlet.f90 | Verlet type sweeper for 2nd order problems |
pf_mod_zndsysarray | pf_zndsysarray.f90 | System of complex N-dimensional arrays encapsulation. |
pfasst | pfasst.f90 | Module containing a collection of "use" statements to simplify including the common main modules in writing applications that use libpfasst |