pf_comm.f90 Source File

Communication wrappers

This file depends on

sourcefile~~pf_comm.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~pf_comm.f90 pf_comm.f90 sourcefile~pf_pfasst.f90 pf_pfasst.f90 sourcefile~pf_comm.f90->sourcefile~pf_pfasst.f90 sourcefile~pf_mpi.f90 pf_mpi.f90 sourcefile~pf_pfasst.f90->sourcefile~pf_mpi.f90 sourcefile~pf_quadrature.f90 pf_quadrature.f90 sourcefile~pf_pfasst.f90->sourcefile~pf_quadrature.f90 sourcefile~pf_dtype.f90 pf_dtype.f90 sourcefile~pf_pfasst.f90->sourcefile~pf_dtype.f90 sourcefile~pf_hooks.f90 pf_hooks.f90 sourcefile~pf_pfasst.f90->sourcefile~pf_hooks.f90 sourcefile~pf_utils.f90 pf_utils.f90 sourcefile~pf_pfasst.f90->sourcefile~pf_utils.f90 sourcefile~pf_mpi.f90->sourcefile~pf_dtype.f90 sourcefile~pf_timer.f90 pf_timer.f90 sourcefile~pf_mpi.f90->sourcefile~pf_timer.f90 sourcefile~pf_quadrature.f90->sourcefile~pf_dtype.f90 sourcefile~pf_hooks.f90->sourcefile~pf_dtype.f90 sourcefile~pf_hooks.f90->sourcefile~pf_timer.f90 sourcefile~pf_utils.f90->sourcefile~pf_dtype.f90 sourcefile~pf_utils.f90->sourcefile~pf_timer.f90 sourcefile~pf_timer.f90->sourcefile~pf_dtype.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~pf_comm.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~pf_comm.f90 pf_comm.f90 sourcefile~pf_parallel_oc.f90 pf_parallel_oc.f90 sourcefile~pf_parallel_oc.f90->sourcefile~pf_comm.f90 sourcefile~pf_parallel.f90 pf_parallel.f90 sourcefile~pf_parallel.f90->sourcefile~pf_comm.f90 sourcefile~pfasst.f90 pfasst.f90 sourcefile~pfasst.f90->sourcefile~pf_parallel.f90


Source Code

Source Code

!!  Communication wrappers
! This file is part of LIBPFASST.
!> Module of communication wrappers
module pf_mod_comm
  use pf_mod_pfasst

  implicit none
  !>  Subroutine to post a receive request for a new initial condition to be received after doing some work
  subroutine pf_post(pf, level, tag, direction)
    type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(in)    :: pf
    class(pf_level_t),  intent(inout) :: level
    integer,           intent(in)    :: tag
    integer, optional, intent(in)    :: direction
    integer                          :: dir
    integer ::  ierror 
    dir = 1 ! default 1: send forward; set to 2 for send backwards
    if(present(direction)) dir = direction
    if (pf%debug) print*,'DEBUG --', pf%rank, 'is beginning pf_post, state%pstatus=', pf%state%pstatus, 'with tag =', tag
    ierror = 0
    if (pf%rank /= 0 .and. pf%state%pstatus == PF_STATUS_ITERATING &
                                  .and. dir == 1) then
       call pf%comm%post(pf, level, tag, ierror, dir)
    elseif (pf%rank /= pf%comm%nproc-1 .and. pf%state%pstatus == PF_STATUS_ITERATING &
                                  .and. dir == 2) then
       call pf%comm%post(pf, level, tag, ierror, dir)
    end if
    if (ierror /= 0) then
      print *, pf%rank, 'warning: error during post', ierror
      stop "pf_parallel:pf_post"
   if (pf%debug) print*,'DEBUG --', pf%rank, 'is leaving pf_post, state%pstatus=', pf%state%pstatus, 'with tag =', tag     
  end subroutine pf_post
  !>  Subroutine to send this processor's convergence status to the next processor
  subroutine pf_send_status(pf, tag, direction)
    type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout) :: pf
    integer,           intent(in)    :: tag
    integer, optional, intent(in)    :: direction
    integer ::  dir
    integer ::  istatus
    integer ::  ierror
    dir = 1 ! default 1: send forward; set to 2 for send backwards
    if(present(direction)) dir = direction

    if (pf%rank == 0 .and. dir == 2) return
    if (pf%rank == pf%comm%nproc-1 .and. dir == 1) return

    ierror = 0
    istatus = pf%state%status
    if (dir == 1) then
       if (pf%debug) print*, 'DEBUG --',pf%rank, 'begins send_status with status', istatus, 'with tag =', tag 
       call pf%comm%send_status(pf, tag, istatus, ierror, dir)
       if (pf%debug) print*, 'DEBUG --',pf%rank, 'ends send_status' 
    elseif (dir == 2) then
       if (pf%debug) print*, 'DEBUG --',pf%rank, 'begins send_status with status', istatus, 'backwards with tag =', tag 
       call pf%comm%send_status(pf, tag, istatus, ierror, dir)
       if (pf%debug) print*, 'DEBUG --',pf%rank, 'ends send_status'
       print *, pf%rank, 'warning: bad dir during send_status', dir
      stop "pf_parallel:pf_send_status"
    end if
    if (ierror /= 0) then
      print *, pf%rank, 'warning: error during send_status', ierror
      stop "pf_parallel:pf_send_status"
  end subroutine pf_send_status
  !>  Subroutine to receive the convergence status from the previous processor
  subroutine pf_recv_status(pf, tag, direction)
    type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout) :: pf
    integer,           intent(in)    :: tag
    integer, optional, intent(in)    :: direction
    integer ::  dir
    integer ::  ierror, istatus
    dir = 1 ! default 1: send forward; set to 2 for send backwards
    if(present(direction)) dir = direction

    !  Return if this is the first processor
    if (pf%rank == 0 .and. dir == 1) return
    if (pf%rank == pf%comm%nproc-1 .and. dir == 2) return
    if (pf%debug) print*, 'DEBUG --',pf%rank, 'begin recv_status with pstatus=',pf%state%pstatus, ' tag=',tag
    ierror = 0
    if (dir == 1) then
       call pf%comm%recv_status(pf, tag, istatus, ierror, dir)
       if (pf%debug) print *, 'DEBUG --', pf%rank, 'status recvd = ', istatus 
       if (ierror .eq. 0) pf%state%pstatus = istatus
    elseif (dir == 2) then
       if (pf%debug) print*, pf%rank, 'my status = ', pf%state%status
       if (pf%debug) print*, pf%rank,  'is receiving status backwards with tag ', tag  
       call pf%comm%recv_status(pf, tag, istatus, ierror, dir)
       if (pf%debug) print *, pf%rank, 'status recvd = ', istatus 
       if (ierror .eq. 0) pf%state%pstatus = istatus
      print *, pf%rank, 'warning: bad dir in recv_status', dir
      stop "pf_parallel_oc:pf_recv_status"
    end if
    if (pf%debug) print*,  'DEBUG --',pf%rank, 'end recv_statuswith pstatus=',pf%state%pstatus,'tag=',tag       
    if (ierror .ne. 0) then
      print *, pf%rank, 'warning: error during recv_status', ierror
      stop "pf_parallel_oc:pf_recv_status"
  end subroutine pf_recv_status
  !>  Subroutine to send the solution to the next processor
  subroutine pf_send(pf, level, tag, blocking, direction)
    type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout) :: pf
    class(pf_level_t),  intent(inout) :: level
    integer,           intent(in)    :: tag
    logical,           intent(in)    :: blocking
    integer, optional, intent(in)    :: direction
    integer                          :: dir, ierror
    dir = 1 ! default: send forward
    if(present(direction)) dir = direction

    ierror = 0
    call start_timer(pf, TSEND + level%index - 1)
    if (pf%debug) print*,  'DEBUG --',pf%rank, 'begin send, tag=',tag,blocking,' pf%state%status =',pf%state%status
    if (pf%rank /= pf%comm%nproc-1  .and. dir == 1 ) then
       call pf%comm%send(pf, level, tag, blocking, ierror, dir)
    elseif (pf%rank /= 0 .and. dir == 2 ) then
       !print *, pf%rank, 'sending backward',tag,blocking,pf%rank
       call pf%comm%send(pf, level, tag, blocking, ierror, dir)
    end if
    if (ierror /= 0) then
      print *, pf%rank, 'warning: error during send', ierror
      stop "pf_parallel:pf_send"
   if (pf%debug) print*,  'DEBUG --',pf%rank, 'end send, tag=',tag,blocking                  
    call end_timer(pf, TSEND + level%index - 1)
  end subroutine pf_send
  !>  Subroutine to recieve the solution from the previous processor
  subroutine pf_recv(pf, level, tag, blocking, direction)
    type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout) :: pf
    type(pf_level_t),  intent(inout) :: level
    integer,           intent(in)    :: tag
    logical,           intent(in)    :: blocking
    integer, optional, intent(in)    :: direction
    integer                          :: dir, ierror
    dir = 1 ! default: send forward
    if(present(direction)) dir = direction

    ierror = 0
    call start_timer(pf, TRECEIVE + level%index - 1)
    if (pf%debug) print*,  'DEBUG --',pf%rank, 'begin recv, tag=',tag,blocking, "pf%state%pstatus=",pf%state%pstatus
    if (pf%rank /= 0 .and. pf%state%pstatus == PF_STATUS_ITERATING &
                                  .and. dir == 1) then
       call pf%comm%recv(pf, level,tag, blocking, ierror, dir)
       if (ierror .eq. 0) then
          if (present(direction)) then
             call level%q0%unpack(level%recv, 1)
             call level%q0%unpack(level%recv)
          end if
        end if
    elseif (pf%rank /= pf%comm%nproc-1 .and. pf%state%pstatus == PF_STATUS_ITERATING &
                                     .and. dir == 2) then
       call pf%comm%recv(pf, level, tag, blocking, ierror, dir)
       if (ierror .eq. 0) then 
         if (present(direction)) then
           call level%qend%unpack(level%recv, 2)
           call level%qend%unpack(level%recv)
        end if
       end if
    end if
    if (pf%debug) print*,  'DEBUG --',pf%rank, 'end recv, tag=',tag,blocking    
    if(ierror .ne. 0) then
      print *, pf%rank, 'warning: mpi error during receive', ierror
      stop "pf_parallel:pf_recv"     
    end if
    call end_timer(pf, TRECEIVE + level%index - 1)
  end subroutine pf_recv

  !>  Subroutine to broadcast the initial condition to all processors
  subroutine pf_broadcast(pf, y, nvar, root)
    type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout) :: pf
    integer,           intent(in)    :: nvar, root
    real(pfdp)  ,      intent(in)    :: y(nvar)
    integer :: ierror
    call start_timer(pf, TBROADCAST)
    if(pf%debug) print *,'beginning broadcast'
    call pf%comm%broadcast(pf, y, nvar, root, ierror)
    if (ierror /= 0) then
       print *, pf%rank, 'warning:  error during broadcast', ierror
       stop "pf_parallel:pf_broadcast"
    call end_timer(pf, TBROADCAST)
    if(pf%debug)print *,'ending broadcast'
  end subroutine pf_broadcast

  !> Save current solution and function value so that future corrections can be computed
  subroutine save(lev, flags)
    class(pf_level_t), intent(inout) :: lev  !!  Level to save on
    integer, optional, intent(in)   :: flags !!  which component to save (state/adjoint)
    integer :: m, p

    if (lev%Finterp) then
       if (allocated(lev%pFflt)) then
          do m = 1, lev%nnodes
             do p = 1,size(lev%F(1,:))
                call lev%pF(m,p)%copy(lev%F(m,p), flags)
             end do
             call lev%pQ(m)%copy(lev%Q(m), flags)
          end do
       end if
       if (allocated(lev%pQ)) then
          do m = 1, lev%nnodes
             call lev%pQ(m)%copy(lev%Q(m), flags)
          end do
       end if
    end if
  end subroutine save
end module pf_mod_comm