Storing results for eventual output
!! Storing results for eventual output ! ! This file is part of LIBPFASST. ! !> Module for the storing results for eventual output module pf_mod_results use pf_mod_dtype implicit none contains subroutine initialize_results(this, nsteps_in, niters_in, nprocs_in, nlevels_in,rank_in) class(pf_results_t), intent(inout) :: this integer, intent(in) :: nsteps_in, niters_in, nprocs_in, nlevels_in,rank_in if (rank_in == 0) then open(unit=123, file='result-size.dat', form='formatted') write(123,'(I5, I5, I5, I5)') nsteps_in, niters_in, nprocs_in, nlevels_in close(unit=123) end if this%dump => dump_results this%destroy => destroy_results this%nsteps=nsteps_in this%nblocks=nsteps_in/nprocs_in this%niters=niters_in this%nprocs=nprocs_in this%nlevels=nlevels_in this%p_index=rank_in+100 write (this%fname_r, "(A13,I0.3,A4)") 'dat/residual_',rank_in,'.dat' write (this%fname_e, "(A10,I0.3,A4)") 'dat/errors_',rank_in,'.dat' allocate(this%errors(niters_in, this%nblocks, nlevels_in), & this%residuals(niters_in, this%nblocks, nlevels_in)) this%errors = 0.0_pfdp this%residuals = 0.0_pfdp end subroutine initialize_results subroutine dump_results(this) type(pf_results_t), intent(inout) :: this integer :: i, j, k open(unit=this%p_index, file=this%fname_r, form='formatted') do k = 1, this%nlevels do j = 1, this%nblocks do i = 1 , this%niters write(this%p_index, '(I4, I4, I4, e21.14)') i,j,k,this%residuals(i, j, k) end do end do enddo close(this%p_index) end subroutine dump_results subroutine destroy_results(this) type(pf_results_t), intent(inout) :: this if(allocated(this%errors)) deallocate(this%errors) if(allocated(this%residuals)) deallocate(this%residuals) end subroutine destroy_results end module pf_mod_results