Calling of user defined routines from various places in the pfasst algorithm
!! Calling of user defined routines from various places in the pfasst algorithm ! ! This file is part of LIBPFASST. ! !> Module for the calling of user defined routines from various places in the pfasst algorithm module pf_mod_hooks use pf_mod_dtype implicit none !> Define hook indices integer, parameter :: & PF_PRE_PREDICTOR = 1, & PF_POST_PREDICTOR = 2, & PF_PRE_ITERATION = 3, & PF_POST_ITERATION = 4, & PF_PRE_SWEEP = 5, & PF_POST_SWEEP = 6, & PF_PRE_STEP = 7, & PF_POST_STEP = 8, & PF_PRE_INTERP_ALL = 9, & PF_POST_INTERP_ALL = 10, & PF_PRE_INTERP_Q0 = 11, & PF_POST_INTERP_Q0 = 12, & PF_PRE_RESTRICT_ALL = 13, & PF_POST_RESTRICT_ALL = 14, & PF_PRE_CONVERGENCE = 15, & PF_POST_CONVERGENCE = 16, & PF_MAX_HOOK = 16 integer, parameter :: & PF_HOOK_LOG_ONE = 1, & PF_HOOK_LOG_ALL = 7, & PF_HOOK_LOG_LAST = PF_MAX_HOOK !> Define hook names character(len=20), parameter :: hook_names(PF_HOOK_LOG_LAST) = (/ & 'pre-predictor ', & 'post-predictor ', & 'pre-iteration ', & 'post-iteration ', & 'pre-sweep ', & 'post-sweep ', & 'pre-step ', & 'post-step ', & 'pre-interp-all ', & 'post-interp-all ', & 'pre-interp-q0 ', & 'post-interp-q0 ', & 'pre-restrict-all ', & 'post-restrict-all ', & 'pre-convergence ', & 'post-convergence ' /) contains !> Subroutine to add a procedure to the hook on the given level subroutine pf_add_hook(pf, level_ind, hook, proc) type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout) :: pf !! main pfasst structure integer, intent(in) :: level_ind !! which pfasst level to add hook integer, intent(in) :: hook !! which hook to add procedure(pf_hook_p) :: proc !! precudre to call from hook integer :: l ! if (level_ind == -1) then ! Do to all levels do l = 1, pf%nlevels pf%nhooks(l,hook) = pf%nhooks(l,hook) + 1 pf%hooks(l,hook,pf%nhooks(l,hook))%proc => proc end do else ! Do to just level level_ind pf%nhooks(level_ind,hook) = pf%nhooks(level_ind,hook) + 1 pf%hooks(level_ind,hook,pf%nhooks(level_ind,hook))%proc => proc end if end subroutine pf_add_hook !> Subroutine to call hooks associated with the hook and level subroutine call_hooks(pf, level_ind, hook) use pf_mod_timer type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout), target :: pf !! main pfasst structure integer, intent(in) :: level_ind !! which pfasst level to call hook integer, intent(in) :: hook !! which hook to call integer :: i !! hook loop index integer :: l !! level loop index call start_timer(pf, THOOKS) pf%state%hook = hook if (level_ind == -1) then ! Do to all levels do l = 1, pf%nlevels do i = 1, pf%nhooks(l,hook) call pf%hooks(l,hook,i)%proc(pf, pf%levels(l), pf%state) end do end do else ! Do to just level level_ind do i = 1, pf%nhooks(level_ind,hook) call pf%hooks(level_ind,hook,i)%proc(pf, pf%levels(level_ind), pf%state) end do end if call end_timer(pf, THOOKS) end subroutine call_hooks !> Subroutine defining log hook subroutine pf_logger_hook(pf, level, state) type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout) :: pf class(pf_level_t), intent(inout) :: level type(pf_state_t), intent(in ) :: state print '("PF:: trank: ",i4,", step: ",i6,", iter: ",i3,", level: ",i2," location: ",a)', & pf%rank, state%step, state%iter, level%index, hook_names(state%hook) end subroutine pf_logger_hook !> Subroutine to add log hook subroutine pf_logger_attach(pf) type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout) :: pf integer :: l, h do h = PF_HOOK_LOG_ONE, PF_HOOK_LOG_ALL-1 call pf_add_hook(pf, 1, h, pf_logger_hook) end do do l = 1, pf%nlevels do h = PF_HOOK_LOG_ALL, PF_HOOK_LOG_LAST call pf_add_hook(pf, l, h, pf_logger_hook) end do end do end subroutine pf_logger_attach end module pf_mod_hooks