pf_pfasst_create Subroutine

public subroutine pf_pfasst_create(pf, comm, nlevels, fname, nocmd)


  • proc~~pf_pfasst_create~~UsesGraph proc~pf_pfasst_create pf_pfasst_create module~pf_mod_hooks pf_mod_hooks proc~pf_pfasst_create->module~pf_mod_hooks module~pf_mod_dtype pf_mod_dtype module~pf_mod_hooks->module~pf_mod_dtype iso_c_binding iso_c_binding module~pf_mod_dtype->iso_c_binding

Create a PFASST object gather some input from a file and command line fname present, read inputs from a file (and maybe command line) fname not present, only call read_opts if we want command line read set communicator

Set up the mpi communicator allocate level pointers loop over levels to set parameters allocate hooks allocate status


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout) :: pf

Main pfasst object

type(pf_comm_t), intent(inout), target:: comm


integer, intent(in), optional :: nlevels

number of pfasst levels

character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fname

Input file for pfasst parameters

logical, intent(in), optional :: nocmd

Determines if command line variables are to be read


proc~~pf_pfasst_create~~CallsGraph proc~pf_pfasst_create pf_pfasst_create proc~pf_mpi_setup pf_mpi_setup proc~pf_pfasst_create->proc~pf_mpi_setup proc~pf_read_opts pf_read_opts proc~pf_pfasst_create->proc~pf_read_opts mpi_comm_rank mpi_comm_rank proc~pf_mpi_setup->mpi_comm_rank


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine pf_pfasst_create(pf, comm, nlevels, fname, nocmd)
    use pf_mod_hooks, only: PF_MAX_HOOK

    type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout)           :: pf        !! Main pfasst object
    type(pf_comm_t),   intent(inout), target   :: comm      !! Communicator
    integer,           intent(in   ), optional :: nlevels   !! number of pfasst levels
    character(len=*),  intent(in   ), optional :: fname     !! Input file for pfasst parameters
    logical,           intent(in   ), optional :: nocmd     !! Determines if command line variables are to be read

    logical :: read_cmd              !! Local version of nocmd
    integer :: ierr
    integer :: l                     !!  Loop variable for levels
    if (present(nlevels)) pf%nlevels = nlevels

    pf%outdir = ""

    !> gather some input from a file and command line
    read_cmd = .true.
    if (present(nocmd)) then
         if (nocmd) read_cmd = .false.
    end if
    if (present(fname)) then      !!  fname  present,  read inputs from a file (and maybe command line)
       call pf_read_opts(pf, read_cmd, fname)
    else                           !!  fname not present, only call read_opts if we want command line read
       if (read_cmd) call pf_read_opts(pf, read_cmd)
    end if

    !>  set communicator
    pf%comm => comm

    !>  Set up the mpi communicator
    call pf_mpi_setup(pf%comm, pf,ierr) 
    if (ierr /=0 )  stop "ERROR: mpi_setup failed"

    if (pf%rank < 0) then
       stop 'Invalid PF rank: did you call setup correctly?'
    end if

    !>  allocate level pointers
    if (ierr /= 0) stop "allocate error levels"
    !>  loop over levels to set parameters
    do l = 1, pf%nlevels
       pf%levels(l)%index = l
       pf%levels(l)%nsweeps = pf%nsweeps(l)
       pf%levels(l)%nsweeps_pred = pf%nsweeps_pred(l)
       pf%levels(l)%nnodes = pf%nnodes(l)
       pf%levels(l)%Finterp = pf%Finterp
       pf%levels(l)%nsteps_rk = pf%nsteps_rk(l)
    end do
    !>  allocate hooks
    allocate(pf%hooks(pf%nlevels, PF_MAX_HOOK, PF_MAX_HOOKS),stat=ierr)
    if (ierr /= 0) stop "allocate error hooks"
    allocate(pf%nhooks(pf%nlevels, PF_MAX_HOOK),stat=ierr)
    if (ierr /= 0) stop "allocate error nhooks"
    pf%nhooks = 0

    !>  allocate status
    if (ierr /= 0) stop "allocate error state"
    pf%state%pstatus = 0
    pf%state%status  = 0

  end subroutine pf_pfasst_create