Interpolation operators
!! Interpolation operators ! ! This file is part of LIBPFASST. ! !> Module to do interpolation between pfasst levels module pf_mod_interpolate use pf_mod_dtype use pf_mod_restrict use pf_mod_timer use pf_mod_hooks use pf_mod_utils implicit none contains !> Subroutine to interpolate (in time and space) level_index-1 to level_index !! Interpolation is done by interpolating increments. !! The fine function values are re-evaluated after interpolation. subroutine interpolate_time_space(pf, t0, dt, level_index, F_INTERP, flags) type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout),target :: pf !! main pfasst structure real(pfdp), intent(in) :: t0 !! time at beginning of time interval real(pfdp), intent(in) :: dt !! time step integer, intent(in) :: level_index !! defines which level to interpolate to logical, intent(in) :: F_INTERP !! Flag, if true, then do interp on f not sol integer, optional, intent(in) :: flags ! Local variables class(pf_level_t), pointer :: c_lev_ptr ! Pointer to coarse level class(pf_level_t), pointer :: f_lev_ptr ! Pointer to fine level integer :: m, p, step real(pfdp), allocatable :: c_times(:) ! coarse level node times real(pfdp), allocatable :: f_times(:) ! fine level node times class(pf_encap_t), allocatable :: c_delta(:) ! Coarse in time and space class(pf_encap_t), allocatable :: cf_delta(:) ! Coarse in time but fine in space f_lev_ptr => pf%levels(level_index) ! fine level c_lev_ptr => pf%levels(level_index-1) ! coarse level call call_hooks(pf, level_index, PF_PRE_INTERP_ALL) call start_timer(pf, TINTERPOLATE + level_index - 1) step = pf%state%step+1 !> create workspaces call c_lev_ptr%ulevel%factory%create_array(c_delta, c_lev_ptr%nnodes, c_lev_ptr%index, c_lev_ptr%shape) call f_lev_ptr%ulevel%factory%create_array(cf_delta, c_lev_ptr%nnodes, f_lev_ptr%index, f_lev_ptr%shape) !> set time at coarse and fine nodes allocate(c_times(c_lev_ptr%nnodes)) allocate(f_times(f_lev_ptr%nnodes)) c_times = t0 + dt*c_lev_ptr%nodes f_times = t0 + dt*f_lev_ptr%nodes do m = 1, c_lev_ptr%nnodes call c_delta(m)%setval(0.0_pfdp, flags) call cf_delta(m)%setval(0.0_pfdp, flags) end do !> interpolate coarse level correction in space only do m = 1, c_lev_ptr%nnodes call c_delta(m)%copy(c_lev_ptr%Q(m), flags) call c_delta(m)%axpy(-1.0_pfdp, c_lev_ptr%pQ(m), flags) call f_lev_ptr%ulevel%interpolate(f_lev_ptr,c_lev_ptr, cf_delta(m), c_delta(m), c_times(m), flags) end do !> interpolate corrections in time call pf_apply_mat(f_lev_ptr%Q, 1.0_pfdp, f_lev_ptr%tmat, cf_delta, .false., flags) !> either interpolate function values or recompute them if (F_INTERP) then ! Interpolating F do p = 1,size(c_lev_ptr%F(1,:)) do m = 1, c_lev_ptr%nnodes call c_delta(m)%setval(0.0_pfdp, flags) call cf_delta(m)%setval(0.0_pfdp, flags) end do ! interpolate coarse corrections in space do m = 1, c_lev_ptr%nnodes call c_delta(m)%copy(c_lev_ptr%F(m,p), flags) call c_delta(m)%axpy(-1.0_pfdp, c_lev_ptr%pF(m,p), flags) call f_lev_ptr%ulevel%interpolate(f_lev_ptr, c_lev_ptr, cf_delta(m), c_delta(m), c_times(m), flags) end do ! interpolate corrections in time call pf_apply_mat(f_lev_ptr%F(:,p), 1.0_pfdp, f_lev_ptr%tmat, cf_delta, .false., flags) end do ! Loop on npieces else ! recompute function values call f_lev_ptr%ulevel%sweeper%evaluate_all(f_lev_ptr, f_times, flags=flags, step=step) end if ! Feval !> reset qend so that it is up to date if (present(flags)) then if ((flags .eq. 0) .or. (flags .eq. 1)) call f_lev_ptr%qend%copy(f_lev_ptr%Q(f_lev_ptr%nnodes), 1) if (flags .eq. 2) call f_lev_ptr%q0%copy(f_lev_ptr%Q(1), 2) else call f_lev_ptr%qend%copy(f_lev_ptr%Q(f_lev_ptr%nnodes)) end if !> destroy local data structures call c_lev_ptr%ulevel%factory%destroy_array(c_delta, c_lev_ptr%nnodes, & c_lev_ptr%index, c_lev_ptr%shape) call f_lev_ptr%ulevel%factory%destroy_array(cf_delta, c_lev_ptr%nnodes, & f_lev_ptr%index, f_lev_ptr%shape) call end_timer(pf, TINTERPOLATE + f_lev_ptr%index - 1) call call_hooks(pf, f_lev_ptr%index, PF_POST_INTERP_ALL) end subroutine interpolate_time_space !> Subroutine to update the fine initial condition from coarse increment by spatial interpolation subroutine interpolate_q0(pf, f_lev_ptr, c_lev_ptr, flags) type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout) :: pf !! main pfasst structure class(pf_level_t), intent(inout) :: f_lev_ptr !! fine level class(pf_level_t), intent(inout) :: c_lev_ptr !! coarse level integer, optional, intent(in) :: flags !! optional: specify component on which to operate ! here flags more or less is logical, if it is present we operate on component 1 ! of the ndarray-type class(pf_encap_t), allocatable :: c_delta !! coarse correction class(pf_encap_t), allocatable :: f_delta !! fine correction call call_hooks(pf, f_lev_ptr%index, PF_PRE_INTERP_Q0) call start_timer(pf, TINTERPOLATE + f_lev_ptr%index - 1) !> create local workspace call c_lev_ptr%ulevel%factory%create_single(c_delta, c_lev_ptr%index, c_lev_ptr%shape) call f_lev_ptr%ulevel%factory%create_single(f_delta, f_lev_ptr%index, f_lev_ptr%shape) call c_delta%setval(0.0_pfdp) call f_delta%setval(0.0_pfdp) !> restrict fine initial data to coarse call f_lev_ptr%ulevel%restrict(f_lev_ptr, c_lev_ptr, f_lev_ptr%q0, c_delta, pf%state%t0, 1) !> get coarse level correction call c_delta%axpy(-1.0_pfdp, c_lev_ptr%q0, 1) !> interpolate correction in space call f_lev_ptr%ulevel%interpolate(f_lev_ptr, c_lev_ptr, f_delta, c_delta, pf%state%t0, 1) !> update fine inital condition call f_lev_ptr%q0%axpy(-1.0_pfdp, f_delta, 1) call end_timer(pf, TINTERPOLATE + f_lev_ptr%index - 1) call call_hooks(pf, f_lev_ptr%index, PF_POST_INTERP_Q0) !> destroy local workspace call c_lev_ptr%ulevel%factory%destroy_single(c_delta, c_lev_ptr%index, c_lev_ptr%shape) call f_lev_ptr%ulevel%factory%destroy_single(f_delta, f_lev_ptr%index, f_lev_ptr%shape) end subroutine interpolate_q0 !> Subroutine to update the fine terminal condition from coarse increment by spatial interpolation !> used for adjoint solver subroutine interpolate_qend(pf, f_lev_ptr, c_lev_ptr) type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout) :: pf !! main pfasst structure class(pf_level_t), intent(inout) :: f_lev_ptr !! fine level class(pf_level_t), intent(inout) :: c_lev_ptr !! coarse level class(pf_encap_t), allocatable :: c_delta !! coarse correction class(pf_encap_t), allocatable :: f_delta !! fine correction call call_hooks(pf, f_lev_ptr%index, PF_PRE_INTERP_Q0) call start_timer(pf, TINTERPOLATE + f_lev_ptr%index - 1) !> create local workspace call c_lev_ptr%ulevel%factory%create_single(c_delta, c_lev_ptr%index, c_lev_ptr%shape) call f_lev_ptr%ulevel%factory%create_single(f_delta, f_lev_ptr%index, f_lev_ptr%shape) call c_delta%setval(0.0_pfdp) call f_delta%setval(0.0_pfdp) !> restrict fine initial data to coarse call f_lev_ptr%ulevel%restrict(f_lev_ptr, c_lev_ptr, f_lev_ptr%qend, c_delta, pf%state%t0, 2) !> get coarse level correction call c_delta%axpy(-1.0_pfdp, c_lev_ptr%qend, 2) !> interpolate correction in space call f_lev_ptr%ulevel%interpolate(f_lev_ptr, c_lev_ptr, f_delta, c_delta, pf%state%t0, 2) !> update fine inital condition call f_lev_ptr%qend%axpy(-1.0_pfdp, f_delta, 2) call end_timer(pf, TINTERPOLATE + f_lev_ptr%index - 1) call call_hooks(pf, f_lev_ptr%index, PF_POST_INTERP_Q0) !> destroy local workspace call c_lev_ptr%ulevel%factory%destroy_single(c_delta, c_lev_ptr%index, c_lev_ptr%shape) call f_lev_ptr%ulevel%factory%destroy_single(f_delta, f_lev_ptr%index, f_lev_ptr%shape) end subroutine interpolate_qend end module pf_mod_interpolate