Old style Asynchronous MISDC sweeper
!! Old style Asynchronous MISDC sweeper ! ! This file is part of LIBPFASST. ! !> Old style Asynchronous MISDC sweeper module pf_mod_amisdc use pf_mod_dtype use pf_mod_utils implicit none !> Asynchronous multi-implicit sweeper type (old style) type, extends(pf_sweeper_t), abstract :: pf_amisdc_t real(pfdp), allocatable :: SdiffE(:,:) real(pfdp), allocatable :: SdiffI(:,:) contains procedure(pf_f1eval_p), deferred :: f1eval procedure(pf_f2eval_p), deferred :: f2eval procedure(pf_f2comp_p), deferred :: f2comp procedure(pf_f3eval_p), deferred :: f3eval procedure(pf_f3comp_p), deferred :: f3comp procedure :: sweep => amisdc_sweep procedure :: initialize => amisdc_initialize procedure :: evaluate => amisdc_evaluate procedure :: integrate => amisdc_integrate procedure :: residual => amisdc_residual procedure :: evaluate_all => amisdc_evaluate_all procedure :: destroy => amisdc_destroy procedure :: amisdc_destroy end type pf_amisdc_t interface subroutine pf_f1eval_p(this, y, t, level, f1) import pf_amisdc_t, pf_encap_t, pfdp class(pf_amisdc_t), intent(inout) :: this class(pf_encap_t), intent(in ) :: y class(pf_encap_t), intent(inout) :: f1 real(pfdp), intent(in ) :: t integer, intent(in ) :: level end subroutine pf_f1eval_p subroutine pf_f2eval_p(this, y, t, level, f2) import pf_amisdc_t, pf_encap_t, pfdp class(pf_amisdc_t), intent(inout) :: this class(pf_encap_t), intent(in ) :: y class(pf_encap_t), intent(inout) :: f2 real(pfdp), intent(in ) :: t integer, intent(in ) :: level end subroutine pf_f2eval_p subroutine pf_f2comp_p(this, y, t, dt, rhs, level, f2) import pf_amisdc_t, pf_encap_t, pfdp class(pf_amisdc_t), intent(inout) :: this class(pf_encap_t), intent(in ) :: rhs class(pf_encap_t), intent(inout) :: y, f2 real(pfdp), intent(in ) :: t, dt integer, intent(in ) :: level end subroutine pf_f2comp_p subroutine pf_f3eval_p(this, y, t, level, f3) import pf_amisdc_t, pf_encap_t, pfdp class(pf_amisdc_t), intent(inout) :: this class(pf_encap_t), intent(in ) :: y class(pf_encap_t), intent(inout) :: f3 real(pfdp), intent(in ) :: t integer, intent(in ) :: level end subroutine pf_f3eval_p subroutine pf_f3comp_p(this, y, t, dt, rhs, level, f3) import pf_amisdc_t, pf_encap_t, pfdp class(pf_amisdc_t), intent(inout) :: this class(pf_encap_t), intent(in ) :: rhs class(pf_encap_t), intent(inout) :: y, f3 real(pfdp), intent(in ) :: t, dt integer, intent(in ) :: level end subroutine pf_f3comp_p end interface contains ! Perform on SDC sweep on level lev and set qend appropriately. subroutine amisdc_sweep(this, pf, lev, t0, dt) use pf_mod_timer class(pf_amisdc_t), intent(inout) :: this type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout) :: pf real(pfdp), intent(in) :: dt, t0 class(pf_level_t), intent(inout) :: lev integer :: m, n real(pfdp) :: t real(pfdp) :: dtsdc(1:lev%nnodes-1) class(pf_encap_t), allocatable :: rhsA, rhsB, QA, QB call start_timer(pf, TLEVEL+lev%index-1) ! compute integrals and add fas correction do m = 1, lev%nnodes-1 call lev%S(m)%setval(0.0_pfdp) do n = 1, lev%nnodes call lev%S(m)%axpy(dt*this%SdiffE(m,n), lev%F(n,1)) call lev%S(m)%axpy(dt*lev%s0mat(m,n), lev%F(n,2)) call lev%S(m)%axpy(dt*lev%s0mat(m,n), lev%F(n,3)) end do if (allocated(lev%tau)) then call lev%S(m)%axpy(1.0_pfdp, lev%tau(m)) end if end do ! do the time-stepping call lev%Q(1)%copy(lev%q0) call this%f1eval(lev%Q(1), t0, lev%index, lev%F(1,1)) call this%f2eval(lev%Q(1), t0, lev%index, lev%F(1,2)) call this%f3eval(lev%Q(1), t0, lev%index, lev%F(1,3)) call lev%ulevel%factory%create_single(rhsA, lev%index, lev%shape) call lev%ulevel%factory%create_single(rhsB, lev%index, lev%shape) call lev%ulevel%factory%create_single(QA, lev%index, lev%shape) call lev%ulevel%factory%create_single(QB, lev%index, lev%shape) call QA%setval(0.0_pfdp) call QB%setval(0.0_pfdp) t = t0 dtsdc = dt * (lev%nodes(2:lev%nnodes) - lev%nodes(1:lev%nnodes-1)) do m = 1, lev%nnodes-1 t = t + dtsdc(m) ! First compute the explicit part of the right-hand side call rhsA%copy(lev%Q(m)) call rhsA%axpy(dtsdc(m), lev%F(m,1)) call rhsA%axpy(1.0_pfdp, lev%S(m)) ! Save the right-hand side with only the explicit contribution call rhsB%copy(rhsA) ! Add the first implicit part to the right-hand side and solve for the first asynchronous update call rhsA%axpy(-2.0_pfdp*dtsdc(m),lev%F(m+1,2)) call this%f2comp(QA, t, 2.0_pfdp*dtsdc(m), rhsA, lev%index, lev%F(m+1,2)) ! Add the second implicit part to the right-hand side and solve for the second asynchronous update call rhsB%axpy(-2.0_pfdp*dtsdc(m),lev%F(m+1,3)) call this%f3comp(QB, t, 2.0_pfdp*dtsdc(m), rhsB, lev%index, lev%F(m+1,3)) ! Now we average the two asynchronous updates call lev%Q(m+1)%setval(0.0_pfdp) call lev%Q(m+1)%axpy(0.5_pfdp, QA) call lev%Q(m+1)%axpy(0.5_pfdp, QB) ! Evaluate the three right-hand sides with the updated variables call this%f1eval(lev%Q(m+1), t, lev%index, lev%F(m+1,1)) call this%f2eval(lev%Q(m+1), t, lev%index, lev%F(m+1,2)) call this%f3eval(lev%Q(m+1), t, lev%index, lev%F(m+1,3)) end do call lev%qend%copy(lev%Q(lev%nnodes)) ! Destroy the temporary variables call lev%ulevel%factory%destroy_single(rhsA, lev%index, lev%shape) call lev%ulevel%factory%destroy_single(rhsB, lev%index, lev%shape) call lev%ulevel%factory%destroy_single(QA, lev%index, lev%shape) call lev%ulevel%factory%destroy_single(QB, lev%index, lev%shape) call end_timer(pf, TLEVEL+lev%index-1) end subroutine amisdc_sweep ! Evaluate function values subroutine amisdc_evaluate(this, lev, t, m) use pf_mod_dtype class(pf_amisdc_t), intent(inout) :: this real(pfdp), intent(in) :: t integer, intent(in) :: m class(pf_level_t), intent(inout) :: lev call this%f1eval(lev%Q(m), t, lev%index, lev%F(m,1)) call this%f2eval(lev%Q(m), t, lev%index, lev%F(m,2)) call this%f3eval(lev%Q(m), t, lev%index, lev%F(m,3)) end subroutine amisdc_evaluate ! Initialize matrices subroutine amisdc_initialize(this, lev) class(pf_amisdc_t), intent(inout) :: this class(pf_level_t), intent(inout) :: lev real(pfdp) :: dsdc(lev%nnodes-1) integer :: m, nnodes this%npieces = 3 nnodes = lev%nnodes allocate(this%SdiffE(nnodes-1,nnodes)) ! S-FE allocate(this%SdiffI(nnodes-1,nnodes)) ! S-BE this%SdiffE = lev%s0mat this%SdiffI = lev%s0mat dsdc = lev%nodes(2:nnodes) - lev%nodes(1:nnodes-1) do m = 1, nnodes-1 this%SdiffE(m,m) = this%SdiffE(m,m) - dsdc(m) this%SdiffI(m,m+1) = this%SdiffI(m,m+1) - dsdc(m) end do end subroutine amisdc_initialize ! Destroy the matrices subroutine amisdc_destroy(this, lev) class(pf_amisdc_t), intent(inout) :: this class(pf_level_t), intent(inout) :: lev deallocate(this%SdiffE) deallocate(this%SdiffI) end subroutine amisdc_destroy ! Compute SDC integral subroutine amisdc_integrate(this, lev, qSDC, fSDC, dt, fintSDC) class(pf_amisdc_t), intent(inout) :: this class(pf_level_t), intent(in) :: lev class(pf_encap_t), intent(in) :: qSDC(:), fSDC(:, :) real(pfdp), intent(in) :: dt class(pf_encap_t), intent(inout) :: fintSDC(:) integer :: n, m, p do n = 1, lev%nnodes-1 call fintSDC(n)%setval(0.0_pfdp) do m = 1, lev%nnodes do p = 1, this%npieces call fintSDC(n)%axpy(dt*lev%s0mat(n,m), fSDC(m,p)) end do end do end do end subroutine amisdc_integrate subroutine amisdc_residual(this, lev, dt) class(pf_amisdc_t), intent(inout) :: this class(pf_level_t), intent(inout) :: lev real(pfdp), intent(in) :: dt call pf_generic_residual(this, lev, dt) end subroutine amisdc_residual subroutine amisdc_evaluate_all(this, lev, t) class(pf_amisdc_t), intent(inout) :: this class(pf_level_t), intent(inout) :: lev real(pfdp), intent(in) :: t(:) call pf_generic_evaluate_all(this, lev, t) end subroutine amisdc_evaluate_all end module pf_mod_amisdc