File | Description |
pf_amisdc.f90 | Old style Asynchronous MISDC sweeper |
pf_amisdcQ.f90 | Asynchronous MISDC sweeper |
pf_comm.f90 | Communication wrappers |
pf_dtype.f90 | Data types and interfaces |
pf_hooks.f90 | Calling of user defined routines from various places in the pfasst algorithm |
pf_imex.f90 | Old style IMEX sweeper |
pf_imexQ.f90 | IMEX Sweeper Module |
pf_imexQ_oc.f90 | IMEX sweeper for optimal control problems |
pf_imk.f90 | Implicit Munthe-Kass Runge-Kutta sweeper |
pf_interpolate.f90 | Interpolation operators |
pf_magnus_picard.f90 | Sweeper for Magnus integrator |
pf_misdc.f90 | Old style multi-implicit sweeper |
pf_misdcQ.f90 | Multi-implicit sweeper module |
pf_misdcQ_oc.f90 | Multi-implicit forward-backward sweeper module |
pf_mpi.f90 | MPI communicator routines |
pf_ndarray-oc.f90 | N-dimensional array encapsulation for optimal control problems. |
pf_ndarray.f90 | N-dimensional array encapsulation. |
pf_ndsysarray.f90 | N-dimensional array encapsulation. |
pf_parallel.f90 | Routines that run the PFASST algorithm |
pf_parallel_oc.f90 | Main controllers for optimal control problems |
pf_pfasst.f90 | High level routines for PFASST data type |
pf_quadrature.f90 | Quadrature matrices and accompanying routines |
pf_restrict.f90 | Restriction operators |
pf_results.f90 | Storing results for eventual output |
pf_rkstepper.f90 | Runge-Kutta time steppers |
pf_timer.f90 | Timing routines |
pf_utils.f90 | Useful subroutines that don't fit in other modules |
pf_verlet.f90 | Verlet type sweeper for 2nd order problems! |
pf_zndsysarray.f90 | N-dimensional complex array encapsulation. |
pfasst.f90 | Some convenient use statements |