Setup (allocate) PFASST level If the level is already setup, calling this again will allocate (or deallocate) tauQ appropriately. do some sanity checks (re)allocate tauQ (may to need create/destroy tauQ dynamically when doing AMR) skip the rest if we're already allocated allocate flat buffers for send, and recv allocate nodes, flags, and integration matrices make quadrature matrices Allocate and compute all the matrices initialize sweeper allocate solution and function arrays
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(pf_pfasst_t), | intent(in) | :: | pf | Main pfasst structure |
class(pf_level_t), | intent(inout), | target | :: | lev | Level to set up |
subroutine pf_level_setup(pf, lev)
use pf_mod_quadrature
type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(in ) :: pf !! Main pfasst structure
class(pf_level_t), intent(inout), target :: lev !! Level to set up
integer :: mpibuflen, nnodes, npieces, nnodes0
integer :: i,ierr
!> do some sanity checks
if (lev%mpibuflen <= 0) stop "ERROR: Invalid mpibuflen, set before calling pfasst_setup."
if (lev%nnodes <= 0) stop "ERROR: Invalid nnodes, should have been set in pfasst_create."
if (lev%nsweeps <= 0) stop "ERROR: Invalid nsweeps, should have been set in pfasst_create."
mpibuflen = lev%mpibuflen
nnodes = lev%nnodes
lev%residual = -1.0_pfdp
!> (re)allocate tauQ (may to need create/destroy tauQ dynamically when doing AMR)
if ((lev%index < pf%nlevels) .and. (.not. allocated(lev%tauQ))) then
call lev%ulevel%factory%create_array(lev%tauQ, nnodes-1, lev%index, lev%shape)
else if ((lev%index >= pf%nlevels) .and. (allocated(lev%tauQ))) then
end if
!> skip the rest if we're already allocated
if (lev%allocated) return
lev%allocated = .true.
!> allocate flat buffers for send, and recv
if (ierr /= 0) stop "allocate error send buffer"
if (ierr /= 0) stop "allocate error recieve buffer"
!> allocate nodes, flags, and integration matrices
if (ierr /= 0) stop "allocate error nodes"
if (ierr /= 0) stop "allocate error nflags"
!> make quadrature matrices
if (btest(pf%qtype, 8)) then
end if
!> Allocate and compute all the matrices
if (ierr /= 0) stop "allocate error sdcmats"
call pf_init_sdcmats(lev%sdcmats,pf%qtype, nnodes,nnodes0,lev%nflags)
lev%nodes = lev%sdcmats%qnodes
!> initialize sweeper
call lev%ulevel%sweeper%initialize(lev)
if (pf%use_rk_stepper) call lev%ulevel%stepper%initialize(lev)
!> allocate solution and function arrays
npieces = lev%ulevel%sweeper%npieces
call lev%ulevel%factory%create_array(lev%Q, nnodes, lev%index, lev%shape)
call lev%ulevel%factory%create_array(lev%Fflt, nnodes*npieces, lev%index, lev%shape)
do i = 1, nnodes*npieces
call lev%Fflt(i)%setval(0.0_pfdp, 0)
end do
lev%F(1:nnodes,1:npieces) => lev%Fflt
call lev%ulevel%factory%create_array(lev%I, nnodes-1, lev%index, lev%shape)
call lev%ulevel%factory%create_array(lev%R, nnodes-1, lev%index, lev%shape)
! Need space for old function values in imexR sweepers
call lev%ulevel%factory%create_array(lev%pFflt, nnodes*npieces, lev%index, lev%shape)
lev%pF(1:nnodes,1:npieces) => lev%pFflt
if (lev%index < pf%nlevels) then
call lev%ulevel%factory%create_array(lev%pQ, nnodes, lev%index, lev%shape)
end if
call lev%ulevel%factory%create_single(lev%qend, lev%index, lev%shape)
call lev%ulevel%factory%create_single(lev%q0, lev%index, lev%shape)
end subroutine pf_level_setup