pf_quadrature Subroutine

public subroutine pf_quadrature(qtype_in, nnodes, nnodes0, nodes, nflags, smat, qmat, qmatFE, qmatBE)

Subroutine to create quadrature matrices


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
integer, intent(in) :: qtype_in
integer, intent(in) :: nnodes
integer, intent(in) :: nnodes0
real(kind=pfdp), intent(out) :: nodes(nnodes)
integer, intent(out) :: nflags(nnodes)
real(kind=pfdp), intent(out) :: smat(nnodes-1,nnodes)
real(kind=pfdp), intent(out) :: qmat(nnodes-1,nnodes)
real(kind=pfdp), intent(out) :: qmatFE(nnodes-1,nnodes)
real(kind=pfdp), intent(out) :: qmatBE(nnodes-1,nnodes)


proc~~pf_quadrature~~CallsGraph proc~pf_quadrature pf_quadrature proc~sdc_qnodes sdc_qnodes proc~pf_quadrature->proc~sdc_qnodes proc~sdc_qmats sdc_qmats proc~pf_quadrature->proc~sdc_qmats proc~poly_legendre poly_legendre proc~sdc_qnodes->proc~poly_legendre proc~poly_diff poly_diff proc~sdc_qnodes->proc~poly_diff proc~poly_roots poly_roots proc~sdc_qnodes->proc~poly_roots proc~poly_int poly_int proc~sdc_qmats->proc~poly_int proc~not_proper not_proper proc~sdc_qmats->proc~not_proper interface~poly_eval poly_eval proc~sdc_qmats->interface~poly_eval proc~qsort qsort proc~poly_roots->proc~qsort proc~poly_eval_complex poly_eval_complex proc~poly_roots->proc~poly_eval_complex interface~poly_eval->interface~poly_eval interface~poly_eval->proc~poly_eval_complex

Called by

proc~~pf_quadrature~~CalledByGraph proc~pf_quadrature pf_quadrature proc~pf_init_sdcmats pf_init_sdcmats proc~pf_init_sdcmats->proc~pf_quadrature proc~pf_level_setup pf_level_setup proc~pf_level_setup->proc~pf_init_sdcmats proc~pf_pfasst_setup pf_pfasst_setup proc~pf_pfasst_setup->proc~pf_level_setup


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine pf_quadrature(qtype_in, nnodes, nnodes0, nodes, nflags, smat, qmat,qmatFE,qmatBE)
    integer,    intent(in)  :: qtype_in, nnodes, nnodes0
    real(pfdp), intent(out) :: nodes(nnodes)
    real(pfdp), intent(out) :: smat(nnodes-1,nnodes), qmat(nnodes-1,nnodes)
    real(pfdp), intent(out) :: qmatFE(nnodes-1,nnodes), qmatBE(nnodes-1,nnodes)
    integer,    intent(out) :: nflags(nnodes)

    real(pfqp) :: qnodes0(nnodes0), qnodes(nnodes), dt
    real(pfdp)          :: qmat0(nnodes0-1,nnodes0), smat0(nnodes0-1,nnodes0)
    integer             :: flags0(nnodes0)

    integer :: qtype, i, r, refine,m,n
    logical :: composite, proper, no_left

    proper    = btest(qtype_in, 8)
    composite = btest(qtype_in, 9)
    no_left   = btest(qtype_in, 10)

    qmat = 0
    smat = 0
    flags0 = 0
    nflags = 0

    qtype = qtype_in
    if (proper)    qtype = qtype - SDC_PROPER_NODES
    if (composite) qtype = qtype - SDC_COMPOSITE_NODES
    if (no_left)   qtype = qtype - SDC_NO_LEFT

    if (composite) then

       ! nodes are given by repeating the coarsest set of nodes.  note
       ! that in this case nnodes0 corresponds to the coarsest number
       ! of nodes.

       refine = (nnodes - 1) / (nnodes0 - 1)

       call sdc_qnodes(qnodes0, flags0, qtype, nnodes0)
       call sdc_qmats(qmat0, smat0, qnodes0, qnodes0, flags0, nnodes0, nnodes0)

       dt = 1.q0 / refine
       do i = 1, refine
          r = (i-1)*(nnodes0-1)+1
          qnodes(r:r+nnodes0) = dt * ((i-1) + qnodes0)
          smat(r:r+nnodes0,r:r+nnodes0-1) = smat0 / refine
       end do

       nodes = real(qnodes, pfdp)

    else if (proper) then

       ! nodes are given by proper quadrature rules

       call sdc_qnodes(qnodes, nflags, qtype, nnodes)
       nodes = real(qnodes, pfdp)

       call sdc_qmats(qmat, smat, qnodes, qnodes, nflags, nnodes, nnodes)


       ! nodes are given by refining the finest set of nodes.  note
       ! that in this case nnodes0 corresponds to the finest number of
       ! nodes.

       refine = (nnodes0 - 1) / (nnodes - 1)
       call sdc_qnodes(qnodes0, flags0, qtype, nnodes0)

       qnodes = qnodes0(::refine)
       nodes  = real(qnodes, pfdp)
       nflags = flags0(::refine)

       if (no_left) nflags(1) = 0

       call sdc_qmats(qmat, smat, qnodes, qnodes, nflags, nnodes, nnodes)

    end if

    !  Make forward and backward Euler matrices
    do m = 1, nnodes-1
       do n = 1,m
          qmatBE(m,n+1) =  qnodes(n+1)-qnodes(n)
       end do
    end do
    ! Explicit matrix
    do m = 1, nnodes-1
       do n = 1,m
          qmatFE(m,n)   =  qnodes(n+1)-qnodes(n)
       end do
    end do

    if (all(nodes == 0.0d0)) then
       stop 'ERROR: pf_quadrature: invalid SDC nnodes.'
    end if

  end subroutine pf_quadrature