myLUq Subroutine

public subroutine myLUq(Q, QLU, Nnodes, fillq)

Routine to compute the LU decomposition of spectral integration matrix


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
real(kind=pfdp), intent(in) :: Q(Nnodes-1,Nnodes)
real(kind=pfdp), intent(inout) :: QLU(Nnodes-1,Nnodes)
integer, intent(in) :: Nnodes
integer, intent(in) :: fillq

Called by

proc~~myluq~~CalledByGraph proc~myluq myLUq proc~pf_init_sdcmats pf_init_sdcmats proc~pf_init_sdcmats->proc~myluq proc~pf_level_setup pf_level_setup proc~pf_level_setup->proc~pf_init_sdcmats proc~pf_pfasst_setup pf_pfasst_setup proc~pf_pfasst_setup->proc~pf_level_setup


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine myLUq(Q,QLU,Nnodes,fillq)
    integer,        intent (in)     :: Nnodes
    real(pfdp),     intent(in)      :: Q(Nnodes-1,Nnodes)
    real(pfdp),     intent(inout)   :: QLU(Nnodes-1,Nnodes)
    integer,        intent (in)     :: fillq

    ! Return the QLU=U^T where U is the LU decomposition of Q without pivoting
    ! if fillq is positive, then the first row of QLU is filled to make
    ! the matrix consistent

    integer :: i,j,N
    real(pfdp) :: c
    real(pfdp)  :: U(Nnodes-1,Nnodes-1)
    real(pfdp)  :: L(Nnodes-1,Nnodes-1)
    real(pfdp)  :: LUerror
    L = 0.0_pfdp
    U = 0.0_pfdp
    N = Nnodes-1

    do i = 1,N
       if (U(i,i) /= 0.0) then
          do j=i+1,N
             c = U(j,i)/U(i,i)
          end do
       end if
       L(i,i) = 1.0_pfdp
    end do

    !  Check
    LUerror = maxval(abs(matmul(L,U)-transpose(Q(1:Nnodes-1,2:Nnodes))))
    if (LUerror .gt. 1e-14)  then
       print *,'error in LU too high',LUerror
    end if

    QLU = 0.0_pfdp
    !  Now scale the columns of U to match the sum of A
    if (fillq .eq. 1) then
       do j=1,Nnodes-1
       end do
    end if

  end subroutine myLUq