pf_v_cycle Subroutine

public subroutine pf_v_cycle(pf, iteration, t0, dt, level_index_c, level_index_f, flags)

Execute a V-cycle between levels nfine and ncoarse

Post the nonblocking receives on the all the levels that will be recieving later (for single level this will be skipped) move from fine to coarse doing sweeps


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout), target:: pf
integer, intent(in) :: iteration
real(kind=pfdp), intent(in) :: t0
real(kind=pfdp), intent(in) :: dt
integer, intent(in) :: level_index_c

Coarsest level of V-cycle

integer, intent(in) :: level_index_f

Finest level of V-cycle

integer, intent(in), optional :: flags


proc~~pf_v_cycle~~CallsGraph proc~pf_v_cycle pf_v_cycle proc~restrict_time_space_fas restrict_time_space_fas proc~pf_v_cycle->proc~restrict_time_space_fas proc~pf_post pf_post proc~pf_v_cycle->proc~pf_post proc~pf_residual pf_residual proc~pf_v_cycle->proc~pf_residual proc~pf_send pf_send proc~pf_v_cycle->proc~pf_send proc~interpolate_q0 interpolate_q0 proc~pf_v_cycle->proc~interpolate_q0 proc~pf_recv pf_recv proc~pf_v_cycle->proc~pf_recv proc~interpolate_time_space interpolate_time_space proc~pf_v_cycle->proc~interpolate_time_space proc~restrict_sdc restrict_sdc proc~restrict_time_space_fas->proc~restrict_sdc proc~end_timer end_timer proc~restrict_time_space_fas->proc~end_timer proc~call_hooks call_hooks proc~restrict_time_space_fas->proc~call_hooks proc~start_timer start_timer proc~restrict_time_space_fas->proc~start_timer proc~pf_residual->proc~end_timer proc~pf_residual->proc~start_timer end_timer end_timer proc~pf_send->end_timer start_timer start_timer proc~pf_send->start_timer proc~interpolate_q0->proc~end_timer proc~interpolate_q0->proc~call_hooks proc~interpolate_q0->proc~start_timer proc~pf_recv->end_timer proc~pf_recv->start_timer proc~interpolate_time_space->proc~end_timer proc~interpolate_time_space->proc~call_hooks proc~pf_apply_mat pf_apply_mat proc~interpolate_time_space->proc~pf_apply_mat proc~interpolate_time_space->proc~start_timer proc~restrict_sdc->proc~pf_apply_mat proc~call_hooks->proc~end_timer proc~call_hooks->proc~start_timer

Called by

proc~~pf_v_cycle~~CalledByGraph proc~pf_v_cycle pf_v_cycle proc~pf_block_run pf_block_run proc~pf_block_run->proc~pf_v_cycle proc~pf_pfasst_run pf_pfasst_run proc~pf_pfasst_run->proc~pf_block_run


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine pf_v_cycle(pf, iteration, t0, dt,level_index_c,level_index_f, flags)

    type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout), target :: pf
    real(pfdp),        intent(in)    :: t0, dt
    integer,           intent(in)    :: iteration
    integer,           intent(in)    :: level_index_c  !! Coarsest level of V-cycle
    integer,           intent(in)    :: level_index_f  !! Finest level of V-cycle
    integer, optional, intent(in)    :: flags

    type(pf_level_t), pointer :: f_lev_p, c_lev_p
    integer :: level_index, j

    !>  Post the nonblocking receives on the all the levels that will be recieving later
    !>    (for single level this will be skipped)
    do level_index = level_index_c+1, level_index_f
       f_lev_p => pf%levels(level_index)
       call pf_post(pf, f_lev_p, f_lev_p%index*10000+iteration)
    end do
    !> move from fine to coarse doing sweeps 
    do level_index = level_index_f, level_index_c+1, -1
       f_lev_p => pf%levels(level_index);
       c_lev_p => pf%levels(level_index-1)
       call f_lev_p%ulevel%sweeper%sweep(pf, level_index, t0, dt, f_lev_p%nsweeps)
       call pf_send(pf, f_lev_p, level_index*10000+iteration, .false.)
       call restrict_time_space_fas(pf, t0, dt, level_index)
       call save(c_lev_p)
    end do

    ! Do the coarsest level
    f_lev_p => pf%levels(level_index)
    if (pf%pipeline_pred) then
       do j = 1, f_lev_p%nsweeps
          call pf_recv(pf, f_lev_p, f_lev_p%index*10000+iteration+j, .true.)
          call f_lev_p%ulevel%sweeper%sweep(pf, level_index, t0, dt, 1)
          call pf_send(pf, f_lev_p, f_lev_p%index*10000+iteration+j, .false.)
       end do
       call pf_recv(pf, f_lev_p, f_lev_p%index*10000+iteration, .true.)
       call f_lev_p%ulevel%sweeper%sweep(pf, level_index, t0, dt, f_lev_p%nsweeps)
       call pf_send(pf, f_lev_p, level_index*10000+iteration, .false.)
    ! Now move coarse to fine interpolating and sweeping
    do level_index = level_index_c+1,level_index_f
       f_lev_p => pf%levels(level_index);
       c_lev_p => pf%levels(level_index-1)
       call interpolate_time_space(pf, t0, dt, level_index, c_lev_p%Finterp)
       call pf_recv(pf, f_lev_p, level_index*10000+iteration, .false.)
       if (pf%rank /= 0) then
          ! interpolate increment to q0 -- the fine initial condition
          ! needs the same increment that Q(1) got, but applied to the
          ! new fine initial condition
          call interpolate_q0(pf, f_lev_p, c_lev_p)
       end if
       ! don't sweep on the finest level since that is only done at beginning
       if (level_index < level_index_f) then
          call f_lev_p%ulevel%sweeper%sweep(pf, level_index, t0, dt, f_lev_p%nsweeps)
       else  !  compute residual for diagnostics since we didn't sweep
          call pf_residual(pf, f_lev_p, dt)
       end if
    end do

  end subroutine pf_v_cycle