pf_block_run Subroutine

public subroutine pf_block_run(pf, q0, dt, nsteps, qend, flags)

PFASST controller for block mode When starting a new block, broadcast new initial conditions to all procs For initial block, this is done when initial conditions are set Reset some flags Pack away your last solution Everyone resets their q0 Just stick qend in q0 Update the step and t0 variables for new block Call the predictor to get an initial guess on all levels and all processors

Start the loops over SDC sweeps


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout), target:: pf
class(pf_encap_t), intent(in) :: q0
real(kind=pfdp), intent(in) :: dt
integer, intent(in) :: nsteps
class(pf_encap_t), intent(inout), optional :: qend
integer, intent(in), optional :: flags(:)


proc~~pf_block_run~~CallsGraph proc~pf_block_run pf_block_run proc~pf_check_convergence_block pf_check_convergence_block proc~pf_block_run->proc~pf_check_convergence_block proc~pf_v_cycle pf_v_cycle proc~pf_block_run->proc~pf_v_cycle proc~pf_predictor pf_predictor proc~pf_block_run->proc~pf_predictor proc~end_timer end_timer proc~pf_block_run->proc~end_timer proc~pf_broadcast pf_broadcast proc~pf_block_run->proc~pf_broadcast proc~call_hooks call_hooks proc~pf_block_run->proc~call_hooks proc~start_timer start_timer proc~pf_block_run->proc~start_timer proc~pf_check_convergence_block->proc~call_hooks proc~pf_check_residual pf_check_residual proc~pf_check_convergence_block->proc~pf_check_residual proc~pf_send_status pf_send_status proc~pf_check_convergence_block->proc~pf_send_status proc~restrict_time_space_fas restrict_time_space_fas proc~pf_v_cycle->proc~restrict_time_space_fas proc~pf_post pf_post proc~pf_v_cycle->proc~pf_post proc~pf_residual pf_residual proc~pf_v_cycle->proc~pf_residual proc~interpolate_time_space interpolate_time_space proc~pf_v_cycle->proc~interpolate_time_space proc~pf_send pf_send proc~pf_v_cycle->proc~pf_send proc~interpolate_q0 interpolate_q0 proc~pf_v_cycle->proc~interpolate_q0 proc~pf_recv pf_recv proc~pf_v_cycle->proc~pf_recv proc~pf_predictor->proc~end_timer proc~pf_predictor->proc~call_hooks proc~pf_predictor->proc~start_timer proc~pf_predictor->proc~restrict_time_space_fas proc~pf_predictor->proc~pf_residual proc~pf_predictor->proc~interpolate_time_space proc~pf_predictor->proc~pf_send proc~pf_predictor->proc~interpolate_q0 proc~pf_predictor->proc~pf_recv end_timer end_timer proc~pf_broadcast->end_timer start_timer start_timer proc~pf_broadcast->start_timer proc~call_hooks->proc~end_timer proc~call_hooks->proc~start_timer proc~restrict_time_space_fas->proc~end_timer proc~restrict_time_space_fas->proc~call_hooks proc~restrict_time_space_fas->proc~start_timer proc~restrict_sdc restrict_sdc proc~restrict_time_space_fas->proc~restrict_sdc proc~pf_residual->proc~end_timer proc~pf_residual->proc~start_timer proc~interpolate_time_space->proc~end_timer proc~interpolate_time_space->proc~call_hooks proc~interpolate_time_space->proc~start_timer proc~pf_apply_mat pf_apply_mat proc~interpolate_time_space->proc~pf_apply_mat proc~pf_send->end_timer proc~pf_send->start_timer proc~interpolate_q0->proc~end_timer proc~interpolate_q0->proc~call_hooks proc~interpolate_q0->proc~start_timer proc~pf_recv->end_timer proc~pf_recv->start_timer proc~restrict_sdc->proc~pf_apply_mat

Called by

proc~~pf_block_run~~CalledByGraph proc~pf_block_run pf_block_run proc~pf_pfasst_run pf_pfasst_run proc~pf_pfasst_run->proc~pf_block_run


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine pf_block_run(pf, q0, dt, nsteps, qend,flags)
    type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout), target   :: pf
    class(pf_encap_t), intent(in   )           :: q0
    real(pfdp),        intent(in   )           :: dt
    integer,           intent(in   )           :: nsteps
    class(pf_encap_t), intent(inout), optional :: qend
    integer,           intent(in   ), optional :: flags(:)
    class(pf_level_t), pointer :: lev_p  !!  pointer to the one level we are operating on
    integer                   :: j, k
    integer                   :: nblocks !!  The number of blocks of steps to do
    integer                   :: nproc   !!  The number of processors being used
    integer                   :: level_index_c !!  Coarsest leve in V-cycle

    call start_timer(pf, TTOTAL)

    pf%state%dt      = dt
    pf%state%proc    = pf%rank+1
    pf%state%step    = pf%rank
    pf%state%t0      = pf%state%step * dt

    !  pointer to finest  level to start
    lev_p => pf%levels(pf%nlevels)

    !  Stick the initial condition into q0 (will happen on all processors)
    call lev_p%q0%copy(q0, flags=1)

    nproc = pf%comm%nproc
    nblocks = nsteps/nproc

    !  Decide what the coarsest level in the V-cycle is
    if (.not. pf%Vcycle)     level_index_c=pf%nlevels

    do k = 1, nblocks   !  Loop over blocks of time steps
       ! print *,'Starting  step=',pf%state%step,'  block k=',k      
       ! Each block will consist of
       !  1.  predictor
       !  2.  Vcycle until max iterations, or tolerances met
       !  3.  Move solution to next block

       !  Reset some flags
       !>  When starting a new block, broadcast new initial conditions to all procs
       !>  For initial block, this is done when initial conditions are set

       !> Reset some flags
       pf%state%iter    = -1
       pf%state%itcnt   = 0
       pf%state%mysteps = 0
       pf%state%status  = PF_STATUS_PREDICTOR
       pf%state%pstatus = PF_STATUS_PREDICTOR
       pf%comm%statreq  = -66

       if (k > 1) then
          if (nproc > 1)  then
             call lev_p%qend%pack(lev_p%send)    !!  Pack away your last solution
             call pf_broadcast(pf, lev_p%send, lev_p%mpibuflen, pf%comm%nproc-1)
             call lev_p%q0%unpack(lev_p%send)    !!  Everyone resets their q0
             call lev_p%q0%copy(lev_p%qend, flags=1)    !!  Just stick qend in q0
          end if

          !>  Update the step and t0 variables for new block
          pf%state%step = pf%state%step + pf%comm%nproc
          pf%state%t0   = pf%state%step * dt
       end if    

       !> Call the predictor to get an initial guess on all levels and all processors
       call pf_predictor(pf, pf%state%t0, dt, flags)

       !>  Start the loops over SDC sweeps
       pf%state%iter = 0
       call call_hooks(pf, -1, PF_POST_ITERATION)
       call start_timer(pf, TITERATION)
       do j = 1, pf%niters

          call call_hooks(pf, -1, PF_PRE_ITERATION)

          pf%state%iter = j

          !  Do a v_cycle
          call pf_v_cycle(pf, k, pf%state%t0, dt,level_index_c,pf%nlevels)

          !  Check for convergence
          call pf_check_convergence_block(pf, send_tag=1111*k+j)
          if (pf%save_results) pf%results%residuals(pf%state%iter, k, lev_p%index) = lev_p%residual

!          print *,pf%rank, ' post res'
          call call_hooks(pf, -1, PF_POST_ITERATION)

          !  If we are converged, exit block
          if (pf%state%status == PF_STATUS_CONVERGED)  exit
       end do  !  Loop over the iteration in this bloc
       call call_hooks(pf, -1, PF_POST_CONVERGENCE)
       call end_timer(pf, TITERATION)

    end do !  Loop over the blocks

    call end_timer(pf, TTOTAL)

    !  Grab the last solution for return (if wanted)
    if (present(qend)) then
       call qend%copy(lev_p%qend, flags=1)
    end if
  end subroutine pf_block_run