pf_read_opts Subroutine

public subroutine pf_read_opts(pf, read_cmd, fname)

Subroutine to read pfasst options from file and command line define the namelist for reading set local variables to pf_pfasst defaults open the file "fname" and read the pfasst namelist overwrite parameters defined on command line re-assign the pfasst internals Sanity check


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout) :: pf
logical, intent(in) :: read_cmd
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fname

Called by

proc~~pf_read_opts~~CalledByGraph proc~pf_read_opts pf_read_opts proc~pf_pfasst_create pf_pfasst_create proc~pf_pfasst_create->proc~pf_read_opts


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine pf_read_opts(pf, read_cmd, fname)
    type(pf_pfasst_t), intent(inout)           :: pf
    logical,           intent(in   )           :: read_cmd
    character(len=*),  intent(in   ), optional :: fname
    ! local versions of pfasst parameters
    integer :: niters, nlevels, qtype
    integer :: nsweeps(PF_MAXLEVS)
    integer :: nsweeps_pred(PF_MAXLEVS) 
    integer :: nnodes(PF_MAXLEVS)
    integer :: nsteps_rk(PF_MAXLEVS)

    real(pfdp) :: abs_res_tol, rel_res_tol
    logical    :: PFASST_pred, RK_pred, pipeline_pred
    integer    ::  nsweeps_burn, q0_style, taui0
    logical    ::  Vcycle,Finterp, use_LUq
    logical    :: echo_timings, debug, save_results, use_rk_stepper
    ! stuff for reading the command line
    integer, parameter :: un = 9
    integer            :: i, ios
    character(len=32)  :: arg
    character(len=255) :: istring  ! stores command line argument
    character(len=255) :: message  ! use for i/o error messages
    character(len=512) :: outdir

    !> define the namelist for reading
    namelist /pf_params/ niters, nlevels, qtype, nsweeps, nsweeps_pred, nnodes, nsteps_rk, abs_res_tol, rel_res_tol
    namelist /pf_params/ PFASST_pred, RK_pred, pipeline_pred, nsweeps_burn, q0_style, taui0
    namelist /pf_params/ Vcycle,Finterp, use_LUq, echo_timings, debug, save_results, use_rk_stepper

    !> set local variables to pf_pfasst defaults
    nlevels      = pf%nlevels
    niters       = pf%niters
    qtype        = pf%qtype
    nsweeps      = pf%nsweeps
    nsweeps_pred = pf%nsweeps_pred
    nnodes       = pf%nnodes

    abs_res_tol  = pf%abs_res_tol
    rel_res_tol  = pf%rel_res_tol
    pfasst_pred  = pf%pfasst_pred
    pipeline_pred= pf%pipeline_pred
    nsweeps_burn = pf%nsweeps_burn
    q0_style     = pf%q0_style
    Vcycle       = pf%Vcycle
    Finterp      = pf%Finterp
    use_LUq      = pf%use_LUq
    taui0        = pf%taui0
    outdir       = pf%outdir
    debug        = pf%debug
    save_results = pf%save_results
    echo_timings = pf%echo_timings

    nsteps_rk    = pf%nsteps_rk
    rk_pred      = pf%rk_pred
    use_rk_stepper= pf%use_rk_stepper

    !> open the file "fname" and read the pfasst namelist
    if (present(fname))  then
       open(unit=un, file=fname, status='old', action='read')
       read(unit=un, nml=pf_params)
    end if

    !> overwrite parameters defined on  command line
    if (read_cmd) then
       i = 0
          call get_command_argument(i, arg)
          if (len_trim(arg) == 0) exit
          if (i > 0) then
             istring="&pf_params " // trim(arg) // " /"
             read(istring, nml=pf_params, iostat=ios, iomsg=message) ! internal read of namelist
          end if
          i = i+1
       end do
    end if

    !> re-assign the pfasst internals
    pf%nlevels      = nlevels
    pf%niters       = niters
    pf%qtype        = qtype
    pf%nsweeps      = nsweeps
    pf%nsweeps_pred = nsweeps_pred
    pf%nnodes       = nnodes
    pf%abs_res_tol  = abs_res_tol
    pf%rel_res_tol  = rel_res_tol

    pf%pfasst_pred  = pfasst_pred
    pf%pipeline_pred= pipeline_pred
    pf%nsweeps_burn = nsweeps_burn
    pf%q0_style     = q0_style
    pf%Vcycle       = Vcycle
    pf%Finterp      = Finterp
    pf%use_LUq      = use_LUq
    pf%taui0        = taui0

    pf%echo_timings = echo_timings
    pf%outdir       = outdir
    pf%debug        = debug
    pf%save_results = save_results
    pf%echo_timings = echo_timings

    pf%nsteps_rk    = nsteps_rk    
    pf%rk_pred      = rk_pred

    !>  Sanity check
    if (pf%nlevels < 1) then
       print *,'pf%nlevels = ',pf%nlevels
       stop 'Bad specification for nlevels'

  end subroutine pf_read_opts