Subroutine to define the norm of the array (here the max norm)
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(ndarray_oc), | intent(in) | :: | this | |||
integer, | intent(in), | optional | :: | flags |
function ndarray_oc_norm(this, flags) result (norm)
class(ndarray_oc), intent(in ) :: this
integer, intent(in ), optional :: flags
real(pfdp) :: norm
integer :: which
which = 0
if (present(flags)) which = flags
if(.not.present(flags)) print *, "norm without flags"
select case (which)
case (0)
norm = max(maxval(abs(this%yflatarray)), maxval(abs(this%pflatarray)))
case (1)
norm = maxval(abs(this%yflatarray))
case (2)
norm = maxval(abs(this%pflatarray))
case default
stop "ERROR in ndarray_oc_norm: only 0, 1, 2 allowed as flags"
end select
end function ndarray_oc_norm