ark_initialize Subroutine

public subroutine ark_initialize(this, lev)


Type IntentOptional AttributesName
class(pf_ark_t), intent(inout) :: this
class(pf_level_t), intent(inout) :: lev


Source Code

Source Code

  subroutine ark_initialize(this, lev)
    class(pf_ark_t), intent(inout) :: this
    class(pf_level_t), intent(inout) :: lev

    integer    :: nstages
    real(pfdp) :: gamma, delta

    this%explicit = .true.
    this%implicit = .true.

    if (this%order == 2) then 

       !  Ascher-Ruuth-Spiteri

       nstages = 3
       this%nstages = nstages
       allocate(this%AmatE(nstages,nstages))  !  Explicit Butcher matrix
       allocate(this%AmatI(nstages,nstages))  !  Implicit Butcher matrix
       allocate(this%cvec(nstages))           !  stage times
       allocate(this%bvecE(nstages))          !  quadrature weights on explicit
       allocate(this%bvecI(nstages))          !  quadrature weights on implicit

       this%AmatE = 0.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI = 0.0_pfdp
       this%bvecE = 0.0_pfdp
       this%bvecI = 0.0_pfdp
       this%cvec  = 0.0_pfdp
       gamma           = (TWO - sqrt(TWO))/TWO
       delta           = -TWO*sqrt(TWO)/THREE
       this%AmatE(2,1) = gamma
       this%AmatE(3,1) = delta
       this%AmatE(3,2) = ONE-delta
       this%AmatI(2,2) = gamma
       this%AmatI(3,2) = ONE-gamma
       this%AmatI(3,3) = gamma
       this%cvec       = (/ ZERO, gamma, ONE /)
       this%bvecE      = (/ ZERO, ONE-gamma, gamma /)
       this%bvecI      = this%bvecE

    else if (this%order == 3) then
       ! Third-order Kennedy-Carpenter

       nstages = 4
       this%nstages = nstages
       allocate(this%AmatE(nstages,nstages))  !  Explicit Butcher matrix
       allocate(this%AmatI(nstages,nstages))  !  Implicit Butcher matrix
       allocate(this%cvec(nstages))           !  stage times
       allocate(this%bvecE(nstages))          !  quadrature weights on explicit
       allocate(this%bvecI(nstages))          !  quadrature weights on implicit

       this%AmatE = 0.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI = 0.0_pfdp
       this%bvecE = 0.0_pfdp
       this%bvecI = 0.0_pfdp
       this%cvec  = 0.0_pfdp

       this%AmatE(2,1) =   1767732205903.0_pfdp  / 2027836641118.0_pfdp
       this%AmatE(3,1) =   5535828885825.0_pfdp  / 10492691773637.0_pfdp
       this%AmatE(3,2) =   788022342437.0_pfdp   / 10882634858940.0_pfdp
       this%AmatE(4,1) =   6485989280629.0_pfdp  / 16251701735622.0_pfdp
       this%AmatE(4,2) = - 4246266847089.0_pfdp  / 9704473918619.0_pfdp
       this%AmatE(4,3) =   10755448449292.0_pfdp / 10357097424841.0_pfdp

       this%AmatI(2,1) =   1767732205903.0_pfdp  / 4055673282236.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(2,2) =   1767732205903.0_pfdp  / 4055673282236.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(3,1) =   2746238789719.0_pfdp  / 10658868560708.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(3,2) = - 640167445237.0_pfdp   / 6845629431997.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(3,3) =   1767732205903.0_pfdp  / 4055673282236.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(4,1) =   1471266399579.0_pfdp  / 7840856788654.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(4,2) = - 4482444167858.0_pfdp  / 7529755066697.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(4,3) =   11266239266428.0_pfdp / 11593286722821.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(4,4) =   1767732205903.0_pfdp  / 4055673282236.0_pfdp

       this%cvec       = (/ 0.0_pfdp, 1767732205903.0_pfdp / 2027836641118.0_pfdp, 3.0_pfdp / 5.0_pfdp, 1.0_pfdp /)
       this%bvecE      = (/ 1471266399579.0_pfdp  / 7840856788654.0_pfdp,  - 4482444167858.0_pfdp / 7529755066697.0_pfdp,&
                            11266239266428.0_pfdp / 11593286722821.0_pfdp,   1767732205903.0_pfdp / 4055673282236.0_pfdp /)
       this%bvecI      = this%bvecE   

    else if (this%order == 4) then

       ! Fourth-order Kennedy-Carpenter
       nstages = 6 

       this%nstages = nstages
       allocate(this%AmatE(nstages,nstages))  !  Explicit Butcher matrix
       allocate(this%AmatI(nstages,nstages))  !  Implicit Butcher matrix
       allocate(this%cvec(nstages))           !  stage times
       allocate(this%bvecE(nstages))          !  quadrature weights on explicit
       allocate(this%bvecI(nstages))          !  quadrature weights on implicit

       this%AmatE = 0.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI = 0.0_pfdp
       this%bvecE = 0.0_pfdp
       this%bvecI = 0.0_pfdp
       this%cvec  = 0.0_pfdp

       this%AmatE(2,1) =   0.5_pfdp
       this%AmatE(3,1) =   13861.0_pfdp          / 62500.0_pfdp
       this%AmatE(3,2) =   6889.0_pfdp           / 62500.0_pfdp
       this%AmatE(4,1) = - 116923316275.0_pfdp   / 2393684061468.0_pfdp
       this%AmatE(4,2) = - 2731218467317.0_pfdp  / 15368042101831.0_pfdp
       this%AmatE(4,3) =   9408046702089.0_pfdp  / 11113171139209.0_pfdp
       this%AmatE(5,1) = - 451086348788.0_pfdp   / 2902428689909.0_pfdp
       this%AmatE(5,2) = - 2682348792572.0_pfdp  / 7519795681897.0_pfdp
       this%AmatE(5,3) =   12662868775082.0_pfdp / 11960479115383.0_pfdp
       this%AmatE(5,4) =   3355817975965.0_pfdp  / 11060851509271.0_pfdp
       this%AmatE(6,1) =   647845179188.0_pfdp   / 3216320057751.0_pfdp
       this%AmatE(6,2) =   73281519250.0_pfdp    / 8382639484533.0_pfdp
       this%AmatE(6,3) =   552539513391.0_pfdp   / 3454668386233.0_pfdp
       this%AmatE(6,4) =   3354512671639.0_pfdp  / 8306763924573.0_pfdp 
       this%AmatE(6,5) =   4040.0_pfdp           / 17871.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(2,1) =   0.25_pfdp
       this%AmatI(2,2) =   0.25_pfdp
       this%AmatI(3,1) =   8611.0_pfdp        / 62500.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(3,2) = - 1743.0_pfdp        / 31250.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(3,3) =   0.25_pfdp
       this%AmatI(4,1) =   5012029.0_pfdp     / 34652500.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(4,2) = - 654441.0_pfdp      / 2922500.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(4,3) =   174375.0_pfdp      / 388108.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(4,4) =   0.25_pfdp
       this%AmatI(5,1) =   15267082809.0_pfdp / 155376265600.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(5,2) = - 71443401.0_pfdp    / 120774400.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(5,3) =   730878875.0_pfdp   / 902184768.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(5,4) =   2285395.0_pfdp     / 8070912.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(5,5) =   0.25_pfdp     
       this%AmatI(6,1) =   82889.0_pfdp       / 524892.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(6,2) =   0.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(6,3) =   15625.0_pfdp       / 83664.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(6,4) =   69875.0_pfdp       / 102672.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(6,5) = - 2260.0_pfdp        / 8211.0_pfdp
       this%AmatI(6,6) =   0.25_pfdp
       this%cvec       = (/ 0.0_pfdp,                     0.5_pfdp,                  83.0_pfdp / 250.0_pfdp,       &
                            31.0_pfdp / 50.0_pfdp,        17.0_pfdp / 20.0_pfdp,     1.0_pfdp /)
       this%bvecE      = (/ 82889.0_pfdp / 524892.0_pfdp, 0.0_pfdp,                  15625.0_pfdp /  83664.0_pfdp, &
                            69875.0_pfdp / 102672.0_pfdp, - 2260.0_pfdp / 8211.0_pfdp, 0.25_pfdp /)
       this%bvecI      = this%bvecE   

       stop "ark_initialize: This RK order is not supported"
    end if

    if (lev%nnodes < this%nstages + 1)  &
         stop "ark_initialize: With RK, lev%nnodes should be equal to rkstepper%nstages + 1"

  end subroutine ark_initialize